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Chapter 10: Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All


Hebrews Chapter 10 highlights the inadequacy of the old covenant sacrifices and presents Christ’s single, all-sufficient sacrifice. The chapter underscores the permanence of Christ’s sacrifice and the invitation for believers to approach God with confidence, now that full atonement has been made.

Overview of Hebrews 10

Chapter 10 can be divided into the following sections:

  1. The insufficiency of the old covenant sacrifices (verses 1-4)
  2. Christ’s obedience and perfect sacrifice (verses 5-18)
  3. A call to persevere in faith (verses 19-25)
  4. A warning against rejecting Christ’s sacrifice (verses 26-31)
  5. Encouragement to endure (verses 32-39)

The Insufficiency of the Old Covenant Sacrifices (verses 10:1-4)

Verses 1-4: The old covenant sacrifices were repeated year after year but could never fully remove sin. They were a shadow of the good things to come. The blood of animals was insufficient to cleanse the conscience or take away sins permanently.

Christ’s Obedience and Perfect Sacrifice (verses 10:5-18)

Verses 5-7: These verses emphasize Christ’s fulfillment of God’s will, not by offering animal sacrifices, but through His own body as the perfect sacrifice.

Verses 8-10: Christ came to do the will of God, offering Himself once for all. His sacrifice sanctifies believers and replaces the need for the repeated sacrifices of the old covenant.

Verses 11-14: Unlike the old covenant priests who stood daily offering sacrifices, Christ offered one perfect sacrifice and then sat down at God’s right hand. This act demonstrates the finality and completeness of His work.

Verses 15-18: The new covenant, confirmed through the Holy Spirit, guarantees that sins are fully forgiven and remembered no more. There is no longer any need for further sacrifice.

A Call to Persevere in Faith (verses 10:19-25)

Verses 19-22: Believers are invited to draw near to God with confidence, assured of their cleansing through Christ’s sacrifice. The way into the Most Holy Place is now open to all through His blood.

Verses 23-25: The author urges believers to hold fast to their confession of hope, encouraging one another and gathering together as they await Christ’s return.

A Warning Against Rejecting Christ’s Sacrifice (verses 10:26-31)

Verses 26-31: A stern warning is given to those who reject Christ’s sacrifice after receiving knowledge of the truth. Such a person faces judgment because there is no other sacrifice for sins. Rejecting the Son of God is a grave offense, warranting God’s justice.

Encouragement to Endure (verses 10:32-39)

Verses 32-34: The readers are reminded of their past endurance in suffering and their compassionate response to those in need.

Verses 35-39: They are encouraged not to throw away their confidence, as endurance will lead to receiving God’s promises. The author cites the prophecy that the righteous will live by faith, urging believers to press on and not shrink back in fear.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does Christ’s sacrifice differ from the repeated sacrifices under the old covenant?
  2. What does it mean for believers to “draw near” to God, and how can we do this confidently?
  3. How does the warning in verses 26-31 apply to believers today, and what lessons can we learn from it?
  4. What encouragement do we find in the call to endure and live by faith in the final verses of the chapter?

OT Verses Quoted in Hebrews Chapter 10

  • Hebrews 10:5-7 - Psalm 40:6-8
    "You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer. You were not pleased with burnt offerings or other offerings for sin. Then I said, 'Look, I have come to do your will, O God— as is written about me in the Scriptures.'
  • Hebrews 10:16-17 - Jeremiah 31:33-34
    "I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds. Then he adds: 'Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.'
  • Hebrews 10:30 - Deuteronomy 32:35
    "It is mine to avenge; I will repay."

Key Themes and Takeaways

  1. The Finality of Christ’s Sacrifice: Unlike the old covenant sacrifices, which were repeated and could never fully remove sin, Christ's single offering is sufficient for all time, bringing complete forgiveness and sanctification to believers.
  2. Confidence to Approach God: Believers are now invited to draw near to God with confidence because of Christ's perfect sacrifice. This new access to God is possible through the blood of Jesus and the cleansing He provides.
  3. The Call to Persevere: The chapter emphasizes the need for perseverance in faith. Believers are urged to hold fast to their hope and continue encouraging one another as they await Christ’s return.
  4. The Warning Against Apostasy: A sober warning is given to those who reject Christ’s sacrifice after receiving the truth. There is no other sacrifice for sins, and such a rejection will lead to judgment.
  5. Endurance and Faith: The chapter concludes by encouraging believers to endure through hardships, holding onto their confidence, knowing that faith and perseverance will lead to the fulfillment of God’s promises.


Hebrews Chapter 10 emphasizes the finality and sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice. Believers are encouraged to draw near to God with full assurance, to persevere in faith, and to heed the warnings of rejecting Christ’s sacrifice. The chapter concludes with a call to endure and live by faith, trusting in God’s promises.
